Friday, June 5, 2020


Years ago when this issue of the Crafts Report arrived at my door I was captivated by the cover photo. The golden light, the rustic studio, a women working at her craft, a sweet dog at her feet. That was 1993 and I have saved that cover all these years. I rarely want what other people have, I'm just not wired that way. It isn't that there aren't things I desire, I just don't envy other people. 
Except, I wanted this woman's life. 

And I have it. I have the sweet dog, I have the (not so rustic-but crowded) studio and I have been able to carve out some time each day to practice my craft.

I am blissfully happy. I pulled out this cover a month ago when I reorganized my studio and framed it and hung it up. It pleases me more than ever and I share in this unknown ladies joy of working with my hands with my dog at my feet. Blessed for sure.

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