Saturday, January 2, 2010

OMG It's Cold Out There and My New Year's Resolution

The wind chill factor makes it feel like 14 degrees out there today and of course we just spent the entire morning at the barn holding the boys while our wonderful trimmer P.B. got their hooves shipshape. Then our barn owner announced today was the day everybody was going to get rotated into new pastures. So now our three are in the back pasture with the B.O.'s quarter horse. Poor Beau thought he was going to be the alpha horse of this new herd and came in snorty and throwing his best poses, but Pepper the quarter horse, had other ideas and quickly shoved him into a subordinate role--in fact poor Beau was the outcast when we left. But I'm sure his role in the pecking order will have risen a notch or two by the time we go out to see them tomorrow.

I've got a bunch of goals and dreams for 2010, and not all horse related. But the most important resolution I've made is to not try to go through every door of opportunity that opens- that may sound strange, but I have limited amount of time left on this earth and if I'm going to spend it doing those things that make me happiest I need to start saying "no" to those opportunities (and people) that eat up my time and energy and don't make me any happier. I think that's enough goal for one year.

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