Thursday, February 4, 2016

Photoshop Magic

I love Photoshop - it's my all time favorite program, and as long as I've used it (since about 2000) I still don't know it all and constantly watch videos and read tutorials to improve my skills using it. (And I use this program nearly everyday.) All that said, I thought I'd share how it can save a photo.
Funny background story on this photo: Gerry and Doc had just come back from a ride in Fair Hill and decided to go across the street from the barn and play around in the tall grass. Doc ground ties PERFECTLY, so Gerry let him go and ducked down in the tall grass to take some photos.
While Gerry is hidden he hears two guys ride by on their bikes.
"OMG, there's mule"
"It's loose"
"Is it wild?"
"Should we catch it"
"I don't know what to do."
"It's loose!"
At that point Gerry popped up like a varmint in Whack-a-Mole and scared the bejesus out of the bikers and assured them Doc wasn't alone in a tall field of grass. 
Doc photo before retouching with Photoshop
Photo of Doc before Photoshop

Doc photo after retouching with Photoshop
Photo of Doc after Photoshop. Playing with the highlights and shadows setting can save a photo!


  1. Great photoshopping. Doc is a handsome subject. Good thing Gerry rescued him from the bikers!

  2. Great photoshopping! Doc is a handsome subject. Good thing Gerry rescued him from the bikers!

  3. Great photoshopping! Doc is a handsome subject. Good thing Gerry rescued him from the bikers!

  4. Great photoshopping! Doc is a handsome subject. Good thing Gerry rescued him from the bikers!


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