Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Not at all Wordless Wednesday

MJ at a craft show in the 1990's.
For over ten years I had a jewelry business selling earrings, brooches and necklaces that I handcrafted. At the end I was in 21 stores in three states- and that's what ended it. At this same time I was working fulltime at the Museum, I was doing a lot of freelance graphic design through my company White Rhino Graphics. And I was trying to finish my first novel, The Fourth Storm, and I had a pretty active social life with Gerry.

Instead of being fun, it became on obligation. I'll likely go back to it when I retire, but now there's the Web, so my selling will be online- ahh, no more getting up at the crack of dawn to lug tables and boxes of jewelry to an outdoor craft fair!!!!!!

(Yeah, except now I get up at the crack of dawn to load a horse into a trailer and go to a horse show : )

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