Friday, October 22, 2010

Frugal Friday

I try my level best to practice frugality- which to me, is saving money on the stuff that doesn’t interest me and spending it on what does.

Throughout our marriage Gerry and I have pursued several passions and activities very thoroughly. When we were dating we were into backpacking and camping, after we got married we began road cycling, then mountain biking, from there we moved into paintball, followed by kayaking, and now horses.

At home, I've always had a very complete studio, which over the years has morphed from a drawing studio, silkscreen studio, photography studio and darkroom, hot glass studio, and currently a jewelry and mixed-media studio. Gerry's at home passions have remained pretty conistant over the years: collecting and computer gaming.

When our interests change, I try very hard to sell of the equpement for one activity and use it to purchase equipment for the next. The sale of our Cannondale tandem bike helped fund the purchse of Dallas. I've just sold all of our kayaking equipment. It took about 3 months to do that including inventorying everything, looking up comparable prices, writing descriptions for each item, pricing each iitem, shooting photos of everything and then placing ads on Ebay and Craigslist.  But the effort is worth it, I made enough money from the sale of the kayak equipment to purchase a horse trailer!

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