Friday, October 15, 2010

Frugal Friday

Some of you may have noticed a temporary page link to the right, regarding a Trail Class. This class is something that Gerry and I do for our riding club. In addition to organizing the class, I also like to hand make the trophies. I like the fact they are sort of the anti-typical show horse trophy, these are the ones I made for last year. This year I set myself a parameter- that I had to use materials I already had on hand and not buy anything to make them. Now, bear in mind I have an entire studio of mixed media materials and supplies that I've been collecting for almost 20 years. but, that said, I rarely finish any project with out at least one trip to buy something else. So, this really was going to be a challenge for me!

Here's a photo of this year's trophies, I plan to use this idea in the craft book I'm (slowly) working on. I've got about 15 projects already completed for it, but the novel has to get finished first- so it may be awhile before the craft book gets completed ; )

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